Tuesday, May 17, 2022

De un Padre Piensamiento: Mayo 17, 2022

Ciudad de Guadalajar Mexico. Hotel Hard Rock Cafe. Esperando lleguen hacerme test de covid y saliendo al aeropuerto para llegar a Miami 9pm. Son las 7:30am

Ayer Lunes llegue a Guadalajara. Este viaje fue para rectificar un error en nuestra Marca INTOKU Wagyu. Nuestra orden a Mexico se entrego sin las etiquetas en las piezas grandes, y los clientes quieren ver una imagen que venda en el producto. No solo una bolsa de vacio de plastico. Con mucha razon, pegaron el grito al cielo. Les dimos gato por liebre. Ojo, yo no sabia que esta situacion iba a suceder. Un proceso no seguido.

Ahi nos ves a Melvin y ami, haciendo reservas de avion en fin de semana, viajando él a Monterrey y yo a Guadalajare.

Leccion: Cuando algo este mal hecho. Ve y reparalo. Ve y da la cara. Ve y haz lo correcto. Y lo debes hacer por uno mismo. Sino, ese error te atormentara en tu cabeza constantemente.

No hay reunion que no sea provechosa. Tuve la oportunidad de conocer a los Gerentes de Guadalajara con este viaje y nos entendimos muy bien. Despues de arreglar de poner las etiquetas, unas 14 cajas, fuimos almorzar y a platicar de los negocios. Conocieron mas de INTOKU y nosotros de la venta del Bajio. TEnemos una relacion mas cercana y es un ejemplo del trabajo que tengo que hacer con los clientes.

Obviamente visitar a los clientes es lo mejor que puede hacer un vendedor. En mi caso, tengo que estar viajando todos los meses a visitar mis clientes. Soy exportacion, entonces viaja en avion.

Dato curioso en mi viaje. En el ultimo viaje a Texas cuando visitamos rancho diamon y a la familia de 2F; olvide mi maleta carry-on en el check-point TSA de Miami. Fueron dos noches, que con Target resolvi interiores y una camisa vaquera. En este viaje, tenia el ojo pegado a la maleta. Ahi traia las etiquetas para el trabajo que vine hacer. Y se me va quedando la maleta dentro del avion al llegar a Guadalajara.

Entonces, donde tengo la cabeza? Ando apurado resolviendo con el telefono situaciones en el trabajo y eso me distrae. 

Ojo chavo, sera que tienes que evitar hacer esos arreglos telefonicos, y enfocarte en el dia a dia. O mejor aun, debes planear mejor tu dia para no estar resolviendo por telefono. Creo aqui hay una oportunidad de mejorar la planeacion de mi dia de trabajo. Cuantos pendientes tengo? Miles... pero cual voy a escoger trabajar?

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Journal: Definiendo los achaques, no el estres

No se si escribir en ingles o escribir en español. Me parece que tengo más sentido cuando escribo en mi lengua nativa, y la cual utilizo todo el dia. Me podria venir muy bien de practica escribir en ingles tambien.

Cada otro año digo que quiero escribir un Diario, un Journal, y nunca lo hago. Pero me quedo con la semilla.

Hoy pienso, y anhelo, que llevar un Diario puede ayudarme a sacar esta incertidumbre y dialogo interno que tengo atrapado dentro de garganta, pecho, y dando vueltas por la cabeza.

Que es lo que me mantiene levantandome a las 5 am o sino antes? He leido anteriormente que el estres no existe. Es un invento de nuestro siglo XX. Antes la palabra no existia y a la gente se le atributaba problema especificos. Ahora todo parece estar diagnosticado como estres. Bueno, antes tambien habia otras enfermedades que se desconocian y ahora se identifican. Pero yo pienso que estres no esta definido para una sensacion concreta. Es muy amplio a lo que atribuyen a estres en forma popular.

Por eso, si lo que siento es estres, lo primero que voy a decir es que no es estres. Es algo relacionado que causa etiquetarlo como  estres. Entonces que es lo que siento?

Bueno, mi lista puede definirse de la siguiente forma para buscar un mejor significado. Estoy sintiendo un puchero de angustia, ansiedad, incertidumbre, miedo, y anhelos. Un puchero muy pesado para comer. Arghh.

Porque Angustia? Angustia significa, segun wikipedia,  un estado afectivo penoso que aparece ante un peligro desconocido o de impresion; y lo puede acompañar un malestar psicologico. Este significado no esta mal definido. Estoy entendiendo que angustia es un miedo a alguna cosa, y la cual me causaria una impresion. Bueno,  causas que me pueden impresionar o que siento van a traer algo desconocido abundan ahora en mi vida. Tengo una lista buena: la compañia  siento la tengo fuera de control y con miedo de fracasar; entre otras cosas. El fuera de control significa que no tengo una aseguranza en las ventas. Tengo la impresion que no van a seguir occuriendo, y lo cual traiga un miedo desconocido de tener numeros rojos. No me ha pasado y creo le tengo miedo a que suceda. Va a suceder? Probablemente no. Pero me tiene con angustia. Lo que entiendo bien que seria un malestar psicologico... pero puede que lo este sintiendo. Entonces, una de mis frases de Oro que menciono es que si todo va mal, y se va a la mierda, entonces cobro todo el dinero que me deben, pago los gastos, le pago al banco, y nos mudamos al rancho en Mexico para vivir una vida tranquila y empezar de cero. Se acabo el mal cuento, que empiece el cuento bueno.

Porque Ansiedad? Leyendo el significado leo que es sinonimo de Angustia. Asi que ya mis males se disminuyeron de dos a uno con el diccionario. Que sabia estrategia estoy utilizando! La definicion comentaba además que es un acto involuntario que lo activa pensamientos, ideas, o imagenes para defensas ante un peligro. Lo cual menciona es bueno, porque nos prepara para afrontar una amenaza. Yo creo que soy un extremista de porra. Pero que bueno ser de esta forma para estar preparado para resolver cada uno de mis problemitas minusculos y poder mantener el barco aflote. Este mal, entra en otra frase de oro: No hay mal que por bien no venga.

Porque Incertidumbre? La palabra tiene sinonimos con inseguridad, duda y perplejidad . Es lo contrario de certeza o certidumbre, que es conocimiento seguro y evidente. Lo cual es obvio que sienta si tengo angustia o ansiedad. Ese es el miedo que desconocemos. Entonces como se alivia la incertidumbre: hay que ser un erudito y un detective para encontrar la respuesta, que nos acerque hacer mas certeros. Leyendo del tema o leyendo en general, meditando solos, aprendiendo de otras personas, hablando y escuchando a la gente alrededor sobre la situacion. Escribiendo ayuda a poner las ideas en orden. Estamos de acuerdo que es imposible saberlo todo, pero estar mejor preparados personalmente ayuda en nuestras decisiones y afrontaciones. Ademas, la incertidumbre te mantiene emocionado porque las sorpresas buenas llegan de esa forma: no seguras e inciertas. Y si llegan, que gran gozo.

Porque Miedo? Esta definicion es tambien relacionada con las anteriores. El miedo se define como emocion desagradable que se se causa por la percepcion de un peligro o temor de algo presente, pasado, real o irreal. Todos los animales la sienten, y el humano no esta excluido. Es algo muy normal, muy sano, y muy basico. Lo interezantes de la definicion es que el miedo tambien es causado por percepciones irreales y pasadas. Basicamente le estamos dando mucho peso e importancia a verdades inciertas, que las podemos bautizar incertidumbres caprichosas en mi caso. Dicen que los psicologos curan las fobias de la mejor forma posible, afrontandolas. No va a quedar otra opcion que montarse en esa montaña rusa.

Porque anhelo? Se define como el deseo vehemente de conseguir un fin. Otra forma de interpretarlo es el deseo de saciar un gusto.  Lo interezante que la palabra anhelo esta dentro de la misma lista de achaques. Los males emocionales vienen acompañados por la emocion de componerlos. Con el Anhelo cierro el circulo de achaques del estres. Porque Anhelo es el deseo de componer y arreglar la angustia, ansiedad, incertidumbre y el miedo. El malestar es lo que nos propulsa, la gasolina, y el vehiculo es nuestro anhelo para sobrepasar, saciar, nuestros problemas.

Que entendemos ahora por la palabra estres? Las definiciones dicen que es una respuesta de nuestro cuerpo para afrontar un desafio. Interezante propuesta que nos pone un punto de vista diferente a un achaque. Entonces lo que siento es un desafio que mi cuerpo me esta preparando para luchar.

Todos estos malestares psicologicos que  definimos, son de alguna forma activados por el cuerpo y la mente para ayudarme a salir adelante. Este malestar es un indicador de empuje, lo cual puedo interpretar como la forma de mi cuerpo de darme porras para seguir adelante y mejorar.

- Yo: Que cabron cuerpo. No es más beneficioso para mi salud darme bienestares y placer, en vez de achaques para salir adelante?
- Cuerpo: Sabio amigo. Y tu crees que si te doy bienestar corporal, orgasmos, y tranquilidad... te vas a parar de la cama? Vas a estar tan contento y feliz con tu cuerpo, que vas a quedarte dormido y sin motivacion de ponerte a trabajar en ese problema que estamos detectando. Yo me estoy dando cuenta que hay una amezana a la vuelta.
- Yo: Pero no jodas! Con los malestares psicologicos no solo me afectas mi cuerpo, sino mi estado mental. Me confundes más que ponerme alerta. No aparentas estar ayudandome, sino todo lo contrario.
- Cuerpo: Eso siempre es una conexion. Cuerpo sano, mente sana. Yo te estoy ayudando mucho. Te estoy alertando tanto en cuerpo y mente que te pongas las pilas. No te sientas mal, sientate bien y ponte arreglar cada uno de esos desafios.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Capital Intensive Business versus Service Intensive Business

It has been in my mind to write about this specific topic for awhile. I have been mentioning it to several people... (even to Uber drivers when they ask), and I think I have a good grasp of the idea now to explain my thought.

The summary is this:

  • There is two simple way to see & start businesses: 
    • One is capital intensive business
    • and the other is Service Intensive business
  • The Capital Intensive business requires to have capital to create sales. You need capital constantly to stay in business.
  • The Service Intensive business require to have one-time capital and then do the service constantly with the same capital to create sales.
   If I had to do it again, I will choose to create a Service Intensive business from the beginning for myself. Of course, being the crazy person (my close friends call me crazy-loco), I chose to start the Capital Intensive business from the beginning.
   Probably I will not have thought about this without the experience I got during these years. The information came to me when I read the book of Peter Drucker's (the father of Management as a science) Entrepreneurship & Innovation which review a good insight about service companies that I was not aware. 
   The author mentioned that entrepreneurs would focus mostly on fashionable (cool) and new industries during their time. For example, on the 40's, 60's maybe the car industry and/or machinery was in fashion, on the 90s was computers, on the 2000's the internet biz and apps, etc. The problem according to the author is that from the vast wave of new entrepreneurs in the new business, very few made it big. Most did not succeed and probably yielded low incomes. What is the important to notice, is that on the 40's, 60s, 90s, and 2000s the simple service businesses across the decades have been always offering good margins and maintain a very profitable income thru the years.
   What is not cool, what is not new, what is not trending, have been providing decade behind decade good yields and being a true tested business. We are talking about hair saloons, accounting services, cleaning services, house-improvement services, plumbing, nursing homes, hospitals, gyms and exercise services, restaurants, trash service, education services, pet related service, moving services, legal services, etc.

   Here it is an example to understand what I am trying to mention. Let's say I want to start a business and I have $30,000 dlls. 

   Choosing a Capital Intensive business, let's assume you buy and wholesale shampoo. Your sales margin would be 10% aproximate, customer will pay in 30 days, and, to make it simple, no expenses. In this scenario, if you want to earn $3,000 dlls, you need to buy and sell $30,000 dlls.
   Choosing a Service Intensive business, you have $30,000 dlls to invest, let's say, in a hair-cut saloon. With the investment you buy supplies, scissors, chairs, dryers, towels, and get your beginning fixed cost paid. Let's assume that will set-you up to start receiving customers immediately. Just having one employee, or being auto-employee, you will be getting a net profit $3,000 dlls per month working one shift per day. Probably shift are 8 hours.

  Now, the interesting question, what would you need to do to earn $6,000 dlls instead of $3,000 dlls in both businesses?

   In the Capital Intensive, with all the same assumptions, you will need to get another $30,000 dlls in capital to buy inventory and sell at 10% margin for 30 days. Either to same customer or to new customers. So, your business requires more capital to earn more.
   In the Service Intensive business, that means that you need to develop more services. So, you will need to either work two shift per day (8 hours more) or you will need another employee that will receive more customers during the same shift. Notice that working another shift during the day, or that employing another person, will not required the same amount of capital as the beginning investment to create the extra income.

   This is the point and the learning I develop from thinking about Capital Intensive Business versus Service Intensive Business. On Capital Intensive business as an owner I do not see daily cash, or my profits every month. Each new earning, it is invested automatically in the business because the natural growth of the company requires more capital to catch up with the sales. Thus, as an owner of my own Capital Intensive business, I only retrieve from my company a salary and the notion of the growth of the company. If I take dividends (earn cash), I will be impeding the growth. More capital is a requirement for the growth to Capital Intensive business.
   In the other hand, if I owned a Service Intensive business, after each month of paying the fixed cost,  as an owner I can take the dividends of the earnings. If I take the dividends, this will not affect the performance of the sales of the company the following month. Thus, as an owner I enjoy immediately  cash from this investment.

   It is crossing my mind that in the Capital Intensive business, we can argue that 10% margin is too little, and that its possible to get extended credit from vendors and quicker payments from clients. That would be a great fix to increase inflow of cash flow and grow sales with the same amount of capital. But in my experience, even capital intensive business require a lot of service, and the competition is very fierce. You are an intermediary, and your customer will be reselling your merchandise and you need to offer low pricing to turn around fast your products.

   To put it as well in my mom's words; she used to own a service intensive business before, and she always felt to have cash in hand. Later, she moved to capital intensive business and in that fashion, maybe from bad management, she felt to be owing month to month bills because she depended from a salary. Her capital intensive business was always growing.

   If you are looking for an advice, then I think the best scenario is to start with Service Intensive businesses... maybe have couple of those and then used the extra cash flow to start pumping into one business in Capital. In my opinion, Capital Intensive businesses will give you better margins and profits in the long run (again, long run investment) to create the wealth and financial strength of companies. Those are the big players game, and you can get there with time and with cash.

   As March 2016, I declare myself to start looking for a Service Intensive business. I want to start seeing cash. Maybe I did not start badly, but I can tell you that it is very difficult to start a Capital Intensive business when you really do not have any capital. It is possible, because we did it.

Finishing this article now - Eduardo Guayo Kouri from Jetset Foods

Sunday, May 31, 2015

May 31 2015 - always ask, and you might get more out of it

I was listening to a podcast, where the interviewer was mentioning the classic coffee challenge that I have heard before. This is a simple, yet daring, challenge that take guts to do. You will improve your personal skills of selling, buying, or negotiating. Basically you go to any coffee shop, buy a coffee (or tea, cake, anything) and where you are about to pay, you look at the cashier and request:
- Can I get a percentage off... just for the sake of it?

The end-result of this exercise does not matter. If you got a discount, great. if not, great too. What it matters is that you do it, and then you take time to analyze the way you approach the request and how you felt. Most of the time you will get something out in that moment... or it will be something you will get in the future. Becoming more friendly with the cashier is also a win situation. Next time he will recognize you and make your next visit more pleasant than before (or will give you a bad face, and you can take a laugh out of it).

I did that challenge online with the service Followup.cc this week. I basically emailed the chat girl on the website and mentioned that I was highly interested in their service and that I would like to know if they had a "first-timer" discount coupon. I left the chat, and when I came back to my computer, I found an email from the lady at followup.cc sending me a 50% coupon to join for one year in the service.

I did join the service because it really help me out on the trial-out week.

Changing the subject to my personal life, I was mentioning to Carol that I feel really happy these days. I feel comfortable being in our house in Miami and working in our home-office.

I applied these days another tip, (another advise from the same podcast) about using your friends as coaches and police to make sure I get done three things from my To-Do list. In the first time in the morning, I send a Whatsapp message to my friend in Mexico and to my girlfriend, three things that I will be doing today. Each one responds with a chat with three things they will do that day too. We chat during the day to check on our progress and cheer up each other. Before the end of the day, we ask each other if we finish them or what. If we did not finish them, we tried to give crap to each other. That makes it fun and give us a goal to achieve each day.

This week I excelled in three days, and failed in two days. Anyways, I felt that I was really busy during the week and got a lot accomplish.

If in one year I always do 3 things each day; then at the end of the year, I will have accomplish more than 1,000 things that I was set to do.


Get your best friends to help you achieve your three goals and this will also help them to become for active. You will recognize as well what friends are good at it and who is really a lazy bastard.

Eduardo Guayo Kouri

Friday, July 23, 2010

manu the too good guy gets royally f*** again

My dear poor Manuel friend. He fall again in the same trap: being the "too good guy." Now he has a new girl on top of him and deciding where he needs to turn his head.

People gets upset when I comment that a guy have to be mean with girls. Obviously you are nice to them, being yourself, but once in a while you drop a bomb to her to make her feel that she does not have control of you. This is important, because a woman wants to feel a challenge, and likes to suffer like a woman. We the man do not realize this quite often.

Woman is not the problem. The problem is man. When we like, actually, when we love a girl, all our defenses goes down, we want to please her 100%, and what ever dress they want we run to the mall to buy it. We get blind and stupid. We become Manuel.

His story is just the same as his last ex-girlfriend story. He do everything in his power to please her, now she is a bitch and demands more, he keeps pleasing her to death and now apologizing to her. And her mood never gets better. If my friend gets a little bit upset, then she jumps and hold his hand to make him happy and catapult her hopes again for her. I said that guys must be mean, because girls are really mean. It is all emotional I think, we are wire that way.

His yesterday story went like this. After 4 months of relationship, Manu finally have to travel to his World Cup trip for 4 weeks in South Africa. Yeah, 1 month its a bit too much. But here it is the real story. Manu have been planning this trip for 4 years. Why? He has not miss a World Cup event in more than 20 years. If we calculate that 4 months relationship was in April, then we can see he planned this trip way before he became her boyfriend and... before he met her in the first place. As he put it, he knows her for 2 years, love her to death, and he have been almost his guardian for 4 months because she moved from Cancun to Mexico City with no plan. Manu was the plan obviously.
I was in the World Cup 2010 in South Africa. I saw Manu face everyday. Agony. The girl was giving him death penalty for his trip. She did not like the idea to stay alone. He received calls from Mexico city in Johannesborg around 3am in the morning and listen childish comments of burning egoism. Come on! Its the World Cup. Let the guy enjoy.
After returning from his trip, the girl had the punishment recipe ready: 1) Sorry, I cant not pick you up at the airport because I am busy. 2) I can not stay tonight because I am exhausted. 3) I am going our with my girlfriends, it is only girls night. 4) Tonight I cant have dinner with you, the boyfriend of my friend needs somebody to talk to. 5) No kiss, no hug, no nice behavior.

Manu is telling me. - Guayo, I love her, but I cant resist feeling like this. I need to do something to get her back. I thinking millions of thing that are happening. She is with somebody else, she needs time now that she is better off with money, etc. Plus, I see her everyday at the office.
-Manu, you are being too intense. With your desperation will only push her away. Just get your shit together, don't see her, don't talk her, and she will be looking for you after that. Get busy with exercise, I don't know, just get busy.
-Get this. I have a good relationship with her mom. Last weekend her whole family and I went to dinner. At a moment when my girl step out of the table, her Mom asked me how things were shaping. I told her the truth. It was not working well. She asked me - do you love her?- I said - yes-. And she gave me an advise - I know my daughter, leave her alone for a week, don't talk to her and that will make things better.-

Something else to add to the story of Manu girl's, is that she needed a car when Manu was traveling. She gave her his car, and also told her that if she needed money, his mom will give her a check of 1000 dlls that his mother owes to him. Freaking Manu, he goes too far as being the good guy. Anyways, the only requirement that Manu asked, was to take the car to the dealer for service of oil change. Of course, she complaint immediately about it, that she did not have time to do it, etc. Manu said - don't worry, don't do it. I will do it when I return. -

This is my point. If you are nice, get nice things back. If you get in deep love and fast, people will take advantage of it. Manu is suffering this. If he were in his five senses, nobody will get away with rudeness towards him. He will tell her: go f*** yourself.

How the story should have been when the girl aske Manu for his car? Like this: - Oh you need a car? OK, no problem. Use mine. But first take it to change the oil and please pay for it. You will pick me up at the airport and bring your clothes to stay with me that night because I really need to see you. And do not wash the car. I want you to go to Discount Autoparts Shop and buy a bucket, sponge and soap. You will clean the car here in my garage, and I will help you. Ah, bring a white shirt for that day. I will be handling the hose and also we will playing wet shirts.
No? You don't like the idea? Well, get a taxi then. You can not use my car... bitch.

Manu. Good luck my friend. Learn from it. Every girl helps you to learn not more about woman, but about yourself. It is going to be tough, to take her away from your head and heart. But gotta think straight, enjoy yourself and see how things shape. If she is mean, please, slap her on her butt.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Brave Jump to Craziness

This is a second hand story, but it went like this. 

This happen, of course, in Miami. 
Downtown area is very glamorous now days and the diversity of foreigners is very rich. Also, sub-prime mortgage fiasco have in the past allowed developers to construct very high department buildings that were erected one after other. No shame to investors when paying half to full million dollar prices per cubicle. There are so many condominiums  now, that this type of real state will be affordable for people getting out of college. Ouch for investors wanting to sell these days. My bad luck is that I will be short of any twenty percent down payment to take advantage. I wonder how much cheese will be enough to achieve this.

Anyway, in one of these fifty floor department, our friend that we will call Ali, was living in the thirty second floor alone with his black cat. Ali is a student taking a master course in a prestigious university call UM. He is a normal kid, with a normal attitude to have fun in school meanwhile securing a good diploma to become a better valuable person in paper. Not a shy person, very good with people and daring in any aspect. His dad is worry that he does not take his future seriously. He believes that he spent too much time playing Play-station 2. Ali thinks he does not spent enough time playing Play-station 2.

College students are all day long distracted with important things in their minds. Thinking about how I am going to find time to do my homework or who will I convince to help me with it. These great ideas occupy a big part of one person concentration . The distraction created a problem with his fridge since last week. It was full of spoiled food. He had 8 days past due milk that contained white pieces of fermented fat, some spaghetti take-over from Archie's restaurant that he forgot to eat the other day, one not-open Tropicana Tangerine-orange juice with expired date,  and some spoiled vegetables such as onions and potatoes with some roots and tiny leaves on it. No desire for salad, i think.

Ali just came back from Publix Supermarket with a box of fifty pounds white bags brand Glad, and more groceries to replace the potatoes and onions. No more milk, he thought, it gets spoil very fast. There is nothing like a good long lasting Coca Cola and gatorade citrus.

Even though he was desperate to finish playing Halo because he just got a new weapon in the game that he had not been able to use, he decided to go ahead and clean the fridge. Otherwise the new groceries will also spoil if they get not inside the fridge ( I am telling you, he is a smart college student). 

While Ali was throwing all the spoil and few not spoil food products in the garbage can-liner, he was thinking what new skills this new weapon will give him in the game. Maybe he will be able to climb mountains or jump the volcano hole that he had seen yesterday. Ali tied the bag, took his phone, and went out to the garbage room to throw the stinky food away.

As you picture Ali getting out of his apartment, and walking to the garbage room, I need to point out that Downtown Brickell buildings are the most outrageous pricks of the city. Building managers have figure it out that people wanting to live in downtown, is people that want other people not living in downtown. I am trying to say that people that wants to be in this area, wants all services to be exclusive and expensive to not permitting middle class and lower class to ever move there. That is OK. They like it, they pay it. But, even they know, that they are the ones getting fuck.

Well, this window explain the following incident. Ali's building managers, have decided that every time you are so stupid to lose your keys from your apartment, you will have to pay seventy dollars to borrow their keys. Of course, you and me will be dumb to ever do that. I, for example, will make duplicates of my keys and ask my most friendly neighbor to keep it if I ever get lock out of my place. Obviously.

When Ali throw the garbage bag out of the drop window, it make a curious sound when it land. -The stuff got out of the bag- he thought. 
The knot was not a marine one. In his way to the department, he was texting his friends about when they were going to get together to plan the powerpoint presentation of thursday.

He searched his right pocket. He searched his left pocket. He searched inside and outside of his trousers. He went back to the garbage room and searched on the floor.
 -No keys- he thought.- I did not forgot them. I am sure - 
He suddenly realize. 
-Fuck, I put them inside the garbage back!- he exclaimed with rage.

The elevator did not went down fast enough. He could see his angry face in the three mirrors of the closed metal cage. When the door opened, he almost ran into this body building rap singer. He cross the lobby looking to the floor. Went out in the back door and ran around the building. He destination was the green garbage container of Waste Management. There were no chairs stand up to see on the inside. So he had to push himself up. It was nasty to put your bare hands on the edge of the green dirty container. After mastering equilibrium, he sat down on the edge and located his white garbage bag. It was all open. All the contents were not inside anymore of the white bag. Well, it was easier to spot the keys if they were on top.
The keys were not on top, and he could not seen them. No other option than to swim with the rest of the other black and white garbage can liners.
I do not know if Ali's neighbor are the type that throw the toilet paper inside the toilet or inside the thrash basket. That is not the most disgusting thing around. He never realized that his neighbors were big wasting prepared food. The sensation of touching old sushi, or old meat is not pleasant. Cushi sensations and liquid sensations were too nasty for Ali disapointment. No keys were in his white fifty pound garbage bag. He now realize that the keys were beside his playstation 2 control on the couch.

He got out of the garbage container slowly. Walk around the building and opened the door of the lobby. He kept silence when the elevator opened the door and it close. No body was with him when he pushed the bottom to the thirty second floor. When it opened the doors at Ali's floor, a lady that got up in the four floor was holding her breath and looking in dismay to her neighbor. Ali walked to his apartment but stop one door before it. It knock the door of her beside left neighbor.
She was happy to see Ali. It was weird to have neighbors that visit other neighbors but everybody like it. So, did she.
Ali was in a calm mode and explain to her that he was very dumb and left his keys inside his aparment.
-Oh, do not worry. Come in and use my telephone- She said and let Ali inside her apartment.
Ali did not respond immediatly but walk inside without hesitation. He did not walk to her kitchen where the phone was hanging on the wall, but direct to the balcony door.
Without asking, Ali opened the balcony door, step outside and sneak to his apartment to see his balcony. Balcony to balcony is not visible because they are not over extended but parallel and inside apartment balconies. The distance between each other is around two five feet. The neighbor got nervous to Ali's action and let a big yell at the moment Ali climb the rail of the balcony and cross one arm and leg to his own apartment with a jump. In matter of seconds, Ali was not anymore on her neighbor balcony but inside his own balcony.
In matter of 10 seconds, her neighbor saw Ali's reapperance in her balcony again and made a bigger yell again.
-Are you crazy! This is a thirty two second floor! Do not do that! - she spoke with energy
-I am so sorry. But is there any chance I can borrow that piece of metal from your kitche. My balcony door is close.
The neighbor was in shock, so Ali went inside the kitchen to grab the piece of knife metal because the lady did not move from the same place she had been standing the two last minutes.
Just like if he was spider man, Ali jumped again into his balcony. This time Ali was able to use the knife to lift up the lock of his balcony door. The door swing open and the cold air of his apartment felt like glorious victory. 
-I am the man- Ali said in loud voice to himself. - Now lets get down to business with Halo. Lets find out what are the use of this new artefact that I got in the game.
